And download the new BravoSolution sponsored Sourcing Innovation WhitePaper on Taking the First Step on Your Next Supply Management Journey [registration required] today if you haven’t already.
The acronyms and acclamations are still flying fast and furious in the Supply Management space and phrases like VFS, Hi-Def Sourcing, Next Level Supply Management, and Next Practices aren’t going anywhere — and neither is your organization unless it’s on the road to improving it’s Supply Management practices (unless it’s in the Hackett Group 8% and has a solid plan to stay there).
Chances are that, right now, your organization is somewhere in the standardization and complexity reduction phase of maturity, and if you’re reading SI, approaching the phase of operational excellence. A few of you are in the operational excellence phase, and maybe even approaching the final phase of strategic business enablement, but given that excellence is a moving target, even if you’re lucky enough to be there, it’s going to take work to stay there now that you need to be an expert in QFD, CMM, TVM, KM, SRM, SIM, WM, GSM, NPD, IRR, ROI, ROIC, EBITDA, EV, EVA, NPV, TTM, and TTV! (Don’t know what these are? Read the white-paper!)
In order to advance, a Supply Management organization needs to master the nine axes of excellence, which are:
- Sourcing Process
- Organization
- Finance
- IT
- Product Management & Marketing
- Risk Management
- Asset Management
- Relationships
- Metrics
These axes, along with some key achievements necessary to progress the next level ladder, are defined in SI’s new white-paper, sponsored by BravoSolution, on Taking the First Step on Your Next Supply Management Journey. Download it for FREE now [registration required].