Daily Archives: June 2, 2013

I Am the Very Model of a Modern Global Sourceror!

I am the very model of a modern Global Sourceror,
With information analytic, subjective, and objector,
I know the rights of charter, and I quote the rates historical
From Vancouver to Singapore, in order categorical;

I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the lin’r and quadratical,
About scenarios optimized, I’m teeming with a lot o’ news,
With many baseline costs for the choice of the blue ocean routes.

From the Global-Sourceror’s Song, included below

And on a more serious note, Soheila Lunney, co-author of The Procurement Game Plan, recently asked a good question in her recent article over on ThomasNet.com “Are You a Member of a Modern Procurement Organization?”

A lot of Supply Management Organizations will claim to be modern, but many still have a ways to go. In her article, Soheila outlined some basics of a modern Procurement department that can provide you with a measuring stick for your own organization. If you can answer yes to the (vast) majority of these questions, then you too are the very model of a modern Global Sourceror!

  1. Does the head of Supply Management report directly to the CEO?
  2. Is Supply Management actively involved in high-level, long-term strategic planning?
  3. Is there a senior-management endorsed “Supply Management Governance Council”?
  4. Is every major sourcing process conducted with a cross-functional team that includes at least one member of Supply Management from cradle-to-grave?
  5. Does Supply Management actively manage its own organizational structure?
  6. Is Supply Management involved in the early stages of NPD (New Product Development)?
  7. Does Supply Management (co-) manage the sourcing of non-traditional and indirect spend?
  8. Is e-Commerce and e-Procurement actively used for day-to-day requisitioning and purchasing to maximize productivity, efficiency, and Spend Under Management (SUM)?
  9. Supply Management has (co-) responsibility for contract management, logistics, and inventory.
  10. The easy to use, end-to-end eProcurement system and corresponding compulsory-use policy has made Maverick purchasing a thing of the past (as the only time anything is bought off contract is in the event of an emergency or supply disruption and appropriate Supply Management authorization has been granted, keeping the Spend Under Management).
  11. Communication with major suppliers is paperless, from the first e-signature on the contract through to the final payment authorization.
  12. Collaborative relationships exist with all major suppliers and Supply Management is actively involved in Supplier Performance Management and Knowledge Transfer of best, and lean, practices to strategic suppliers.
  13. Supply Management buys globally from best-of-breed supplies and considers Total Value Management when deciding whether to home-source, near-source, or out-source.
  14. Supply Management has aggressive sustainability and corporate social responsibility goals in place.
  15. Communication is clear and concise across the board.

The Global Sourceror’s Song

I am the very model of a modern Global Sourceror,
With information analytic, subjective, and objector,
I know the rights of charter, and I quote the rates historical
From Vancouver to Singapore, in order categorical;

I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the lin’r and quadratical,
About scenarios optimized, I’m teeming with a lot o’ news,
With many baseline costs for the choice of the blue ocean routes.

With many baseline costs for the choice of the blue ocean routes
With many baseline costs for the choice of the blue ocean routes
With many baseline costs for the choice of the blue ocean routes

I’m very good at direct and indirect spend analysis
I know the HTS codes of products electronicalculous
In short, in matters analytic, subjective, and objector
I am the very model of a modern global sourceror

In short, in matters analytic, subjective, and objector
He is the very model of a modern global sourceror

I know our mythic history, Free Markets and Markets B2E
I answer hard acrostics, I’ve a pretty taste for oddities
I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of the major analysts
In auctions I can floor peculiarities ridiculous

I can tell undoubted RFPs from RFQs from RFIs
I know the croaking chorus from the mouths of the vendor sales guys
Then I can hum a fugue of which I’ve heard the vendor’s pitch before
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense we abhor

And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense we abhor
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense we abhor
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense we abhor

Then I can write a shipping bill in Babylonic cuneiform
And tell you ev’ry detail of Custom’s CBP import form
In short, in matters analytic, subjective, and objector
I am the very model of a modern global sourceror

In short, in matters analytic, subjective, and objector
He is the very model of a modern global sourceror

In fact, when I know what is meant by “Dutch Auction” and “Japanese”
When I can tell at sight a credit letter from a guarantee
When such affairs as sorties and surprises I’m more wary at
And when I know precisely what is meant by “commissariat”

When I have learnt what process has been made in modern procurement
When I know more of tactics than a novice in an internment
In short, when I’ve a smattering of arbitration strategy
You’ll say a better Global Sourcerer had never sat a gee

You’ll say a better Global Sourcerer had never sat a gee
You’ll say a better Global Sourcerer had never sat a gee
You’ll say a better Global Sourcerer had never sat a gee

For my global sourcing knowledge, though I’m plucky and adventury
Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century
But still, in matters analytic, subjective, and objector
I am the very model of a modern Global Sourceror

But still, in matters analytic, subjective, and objector
He is the very model of a modern Global Sourceror!