Daily Archives: May 14, 2016

Some Good Reading For Your Flight:

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On Strategic Sourcing:
The Strategic Sourcing Execution Lifecycle e-book, authored by the doctor, sponsored by Trade Extensions

… and Adoption:
Higher Adoption is Where True Value Lies, authored by the doctor, sponsored by Keelvar

On Procurement Value:
The Procurement Value Engine, authored by the doctor and the procurement dynamo, sponsored by Pool4Tool

… and Invoice Automation:
An End to End Invoice Automation Framework, authored by the doctor, sponsored by Nipendo

On Spend Analysis and Visibility
Spend Visibility: An Implementation Guide, authored by the doctor and Bernard Gunther, sponsored by Opera Solutions

On Strategic Sourcing Decision Optimization
Optimization Backed Sourcing Platform … Or Bust, authored by the doctor

On Supply Chain Risk
Playing With Fire: Hidden Risks in Your Supply Chain, authored by the doctor, sponsored by Ecovadis

On Benchmarks and Trend Analysis:
The Dangers of Benchmarking, authored by the doctor, sponsored by Trade Extensions

On Overpayment Recovery:
Taking Capital Recovery to the Next Level, authored by the doctor, sponsored by Lavante

On Your Supply Management Journey:
Taking the First Step on Your Next Level Supply Management Journey, authored by the doctor, sponsored by BravoSolution