While there are a lot of vendors offering up contract management solutions, there are few vendors left offering pure-play contract management solutions. For example, even long-time contract specialist vendors like Selectica have acquired sourcing and procurement vendors (like Iasta and b-Pack in Selectica’s case, which changed it’s name to Determine). About the only pure-play contract vendors left Apttus, Corridor, Exari, and Novatus.
Among these few pure-play vendors left, Corridor Company occupies a relatively unique position in the enterprise software market with its deep visibility into their global buy-side and sell-side contracts with unique capabilities around obligation management, distributed reporting, and what they call counter-party management.
While not a well-known name in the Supply Management space, Corridor Company is a New England-based provider of a SaaS contract management solution that has been in business since 1998. Starting out as a services provider, Corridor Company, which has completed over 450 contract management projects (including dozens and dozens of projects for the largest global multi-nationals) to date, switched to a software provider in 2008 to better serve the increasing needs of their customer base and now serve over 40 global customers on their platform.
In addition to the unique capabilities highlighted above, Corridor has one of the deepest DocuSign integrations out there, integrates with major ERP platforms (including SAP, Oracle, and Dynamics) out of the box, integrates deeply with Sharepoint (that it is built on), and, unexpectedly integrates deeply with SalesForce.
While lots of solutions have shallow SalesForce integration, Corridor on the other hand, has a deep SalesForce integration. All data and meta data can be embedded in the salesforce application, with each Salesforce user having access only to the data they would in the platform, and, most importantly, the ability to punch into the relevant part of the Corridor platform (using single sign-in) to do contract research or maintainence.
Another strength of the platform is distributed reporting. Most contract management platforms have good, integrated, reporting capabilities with dozens (upon dozens) of built-in reports, but the capability is generally limited to canned reports or reporting capabilities which create one report for the filters, sent to one distribution list. But when you have a large global organization with multiple, distributed, contract management departments, dozens (or hundreds) of distributed contract management professionals, each needing a slew of similar reports on a daily basis, having to manually define hundreds of similar reports dozens of times is not only burdensome, but unmanageable when they have to be maintained over time. Thus, Corridor built the ability to define a meta-report and then filter out sub-reports targetted to each user who needs only a subset of the data (based upon their locale, department, account assignment, etc.). Each report type is only defined once, no matter how few, or many people need it and what subset of data they get access to.
There are more unique capabilities as well, and for a deeper dive, we recommend you check out the recent Pro coverage [membership required] on Corridor Company by the doctor and the prophet over on Spend Matters (Part I, Part II, and Part III), especially if you have deep contract management needs not met by an average module in an average Sourcing platform.