… but there is still much more your Procurement Department could be thankful for. For example, it could be thankful for:
- a new, better, technology platform …
- … particularly one that fills a hole …
- … such as analytics, optimization, SRM, and so on …
- a services agreement with a niche consultancy …
- … to help source key categories and transfer knowledge …
- a services agreement with a technology expert …
- … to help select the right platforms …
- a GPO contract …
- … and tail spend management help
… because, as you should have gathered by now, most Procurement platforms are behind on tech, knowledge, and support and have too much spend not under management. And it will stay that way until such time as your Procurement team gets the software and services support it needs to get to the next level.
So make sure you give your Procurement department enough financial support in their next budget so they can take their operations to the next level. Because, when they get there, you will get many times your initial investment back.