Problem Solving Series II: Formulate the Problem

This is the second post in a series of posts designed to introduce you to problem solving strategies that you can use to attack your sourcing and supply chain problems. Last Sunday we discussed eleven strategies you could use to help you understand the problem. Today we are going to discuss a generic methodology for […]

Problem Solving Series I: Understand the Problem

Last Sunday we discussed the Operations Research Modeling Process because it described a basic problem solving process that you could apply to sourcing and supply chain problems.  Today we are going to start a series of posts that are going to discuss some problem solving strategies that will help you in the application of this […]

Will AI Make Us Irrelevant?

Short Answer: No. But Improper Use Will Make Us “Redundant. James Meads asks “Will AI in Procurement make us all irrelevant?” So I will answer. No, it won’t! But it will make those companies who dive off the deep-end on Gen-AI irrelevant as their supply chains crumble with no real human intelligence there to save […]