Contract Compliance Trust But Verify Part I: Compliance Data

Today’s post is from Eric Strovink, the spend slayer of spendata. real savings. real simple. Eric was previously CEO of BIQ; before that, he led the implementation of Zeborg’s ExpenseMap, which was acquired by Emptoris and became its spend analysis solution. If you have a contract with a vendor, that’s good news — you’re not […]

Supply Management Priorities are Hard to Define

As per yesterday’s post, figuring out your priority can be particularly painstaking because the maximum benefit is only realized when certain supporting systems are in the mix. If we reverse our last post, you might well think that you need the following core modules to benefit from the indicated modules, and you might well be […]

Per Angusta: End-to-End Cross-Platform Purchasing & Procurement Project Management

When we last discussed Per Angusta last year in our post on Purchasing CRM, they were a relatively new SaaS company focussing on the workflow that ties the entire Supply Management process together. They were building a SaaS platform to manage sourcing pipelines, track savings for organizational validation, and make Procurement’s impact visible to the […]

30 Days Left to Get Your Supply Management Solution Budget In Order …

… unless, of course, you are a government / defense contractor and on the government fiscal year. But we’ll assume you’re not, and move forward. There isn’t an organization in existence that has a complete Supply Management Solution platform, not even an organization in the Gartner Top 25 or the Hackett Group top 8% even […]