What Does the doctor Do … For You?

In What Does the doctor Do?, I gave you a high-level overview of what the doctor does — Innovation for the Real World — and how it came to pass. Then, in What Does the doctor Do? … For Executives, I outlined what the doctor can do for sourcing & procurement technology and/or services providers and for enterprises looking to acquire sourcing and procurement technology and/or services for their day-to-day operations.

In this post, I’m going to outline some of the specific services that I offer.
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Investment Firms and Companies Doing Acquisitions
Technology & Service Companies
Buying Organizations

Investment Firms and Companies Doing Acquisitions

Technology Due Diligence
the doctor has not only been a CTO, but has done literally every job in a technology organization under the CTO role and with his deep academic background can, and has on multiple occasions, literally done an entire technology due diligence on his own – architecture, infrastructure, security, code review, roadmap, etc. – and can do it all for you if you are considering acquiring a small company with a small product portfolio. (Not that he can’t do a large product portfolio on his own, but given that exclusivity windows these days are short, it’s impossible for one person to do a large portfolio on their own with sufficient certainty no matter how well trained, experienced, and skilled they are.)

Product Due Diligence
the doctor has deep expertise in multiple areas of e-Commerce, Sourcing, Procurement, and Supply Chain technology, as well as deep expertise in advanced technology, especially in the areas of RPA, optimization, analytics, ML, and AI.  If you are looking for deep insight into product maturity, competitiveness, direction, and potential capability, and the product overlaps one of the doctor’s market areas of expertise and advanced technology, the doctor can offer you deep insight and analysis in a short timeframe.


Technology & Service Companies


Total Solution Assessment
the doctor will spend approximately three days to two weeks on your site, meeting with your senior staff, depending on the depth and breadth of your solution.  Together, we’ll explore your technology offering, services offering, training and education materials, product roadmap, messaging, positioning, and current marketing strategies. I’ll then provide you with a written high-level assessment that captures where you are, how that compares to the market, and, if appropriate, what you could be doing to be more competitive. After you’ve had a chance to digest the report, I’ll conduct one or more one to two hour conference call to discuss it in depth.

Technology Roadmap Assessment & Recommendations
the doctor will spend approximately two days to two weeks taking a deep dive into your technology offering, depending on the depth and breadth of your solution.  I will assess functionality, architecture, platform, and UI; compare it to the state of the practice; assess it with respect to customer needs; and then prepare a detailed written assessment that captures where your solution is with respect to the market, what improvements might need to be made, and what enhancements could be made to differentiate it. After you’ve had a chance to digest the report, I’ll conduct one or more one to two hour conference call to discuss it in depth.

Product / Technology (Management) and Roadmap Advisory Services
the doctor will review specific modules, current or planned, and specific aspects of the product and roadmap and provide advisory services as appropriate.  This can include architecture, delivery infrastructure, stack, algorithms, and other technology components.

Research / Advisory Services
the doctor is a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a degree, and advanced training, in Mathematics.  As such, for certain products / technology endeavours, he is uniquely qualified to provide research and research-based advisory services on a short, or long, term basis.

Public Label Writing

Solution Whitepapers
the doctor will work with you to create a co-branded expository white paper relevant to your solution domain that explains what the problem is, why it needs to be addressed, and what the benefits of addressing it can be. The first step in selling a solution is making sure that people understand they have a problem. A sponsored white paper is a powerful way to get your salespeople over that first hurdle.

Sourcing Innovation Illuminations
Sourcing Innovation Illuminations, like the briefs and perspectives offered by analyst firms, will serve to elucidate a service or technology need and the state of the market with respect to that need. However, unlike the briefs and perspectives offered by many of the analyst firms, these pieces will be written by someone with a strong understanding of technology, and will clearly define how technology (or the technology-based solution offering) can help, what the current capabilities of the relevant (underlying) technologies are, and what a buyer should look for.

What’s the difference between White Papers and Illuminations?
a) Co-branding – Illuminations can be sponsored by, but are not co-branded
b) Distribution – you can distribute the white-papers for lead-gen on your site, but Illuminations are only distributed by SI
c) Focus – white papers can lead up to a specific solution, Illuminations focus on generic needs and do not lead up to specific solutions

  1. d) Cost – Illuminations cost less, but the topic and editorial discretion is entirely at the discretion of the doctor

Private Label Writing

Marketing Brochures
the doctor will help you to prepare your marketing brochures. I have a strong understanding of technology, supply chain needs, and the space as a whole, and I can help you focus on messaging that succinctly summarizes the problem, the solution you’re offering, and the particular benefits of your solution that are most relevant to a buyer.

Published Articles
the doctor will ghost-write articles on your solution space and how your solution addresses problems in that space. These articles can be submitted to traditional and on-line publications, which will publish vendor-specific content if it is broadened appropriately for general consumption.


Buying Organizations

Needs Assessment

the doctor will spend up to three days meeting with your team to identify what your problems are, where you are on the process and technology curves, and what solutions would be best for your organization. I will then prepare a written report that summarizes your challenges, your current processes, your current technology, what you need to look for in a technology and/or service solution, and what benefits you can expect to receive.

RFX Preparation

If you need a new technology(-based) solution, the doctor will help you create the RFx that you need to be sending out to make sure you get the information that is relevant to your needs, which is essential to selecting the right solution. It’s hard to write an RFx for a solution you don’t yet fully understand, and every day dozens (if not hundreds) of companies are sending out RFxs for sourcing and procurement technology solutions that don’t effectively communicate the solution the company actually needs. There’s no need for you to be one of these. the doctor can help.

As he co-created the Spend Matters Solution Map and Tech-Match solutions, he can also work with you to take maximum advantage of those solutions (which can be used to verify the vendors you are sending the RFI to are relevant and that their solution meets at least a market average level of appropriate technical and product maturity), thereby allowing you to focus your RFI on the key technical capabilities that are most important and/or unique to your organization and the service, culture, security, roadmap, and other requirements not captured in a relatively useless feature/function checklist that most RFIs end up becoming due to a lack of appropriate expertise on the buying organization’s part).

Solution Assessment

the doctor will helping you assess proposals from potential vendors, and prepare a formal recommendation on the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal, as well as follow-up questions to consider asking.

Train the Trainer

the doctor has a background in both academic education and industrial training, and in select cases can assist you in training your power users and star performers on change management, best practices, new processes and even new technologies. The goal will be for these key resources to achieve the level of understanding and proficiency necessary to be able to disseminate their knowledge to the rest of the organization, thus making your organization independent of vendor and other third-party services personnel and consultants.

E-mail thedoctor <at> sourcinginnovation <dot> com for details!