Your favorite Reed Business Information Publication may be gone, but you have options — much better ones. Unlike tired old-media publications and web sites, Sourcing Innovation is going strong and growing month over month. Sourcing Innovation attracts up to 15,000 unique pairs of eyeballs every month, who make approximately 50,000 unique visits that access about 250,000 pages. That’s equivalent to the entire Encyclopedia Britannica being downloaded over 50 times, every month.
While Sourcing Innovation may not offer every service the publications offered, it offers quite a few, and I’d argue that some are better. Here are just a handful of offerings that you can take advantage of:
VISIBILITY: Blog Sponsorships and Resource Site Sponsorships
Every visitor sees your logo on every page they load. For a low monthly fee, this can generate 250,000 impressions … and studies have shown that impressions are much more valuable than click-throughs, and enormously better than rotating banner ads that are completely ignored by readers.
THOUGHT LEADERSHIP: Illuminations and Inspirations
You can sponsor a Sourcing Innovation Illumination, SI’s flagship publication designed to educate, inform, and illuminate the market on important problems and solutions. Unlike the productions of many analyst firms, it goes beyond arbitrary metrics and dives into the real issues and challenges that a buyer has to understand before he or she will consider buying your solution. Also, at 7-12 pages, it’s deep enough to convey meaning, but not so long that it isn’t an easy read.
And starting in May, Sourcing Innovation will be launching Inspirations, shorter, more focused white papers that will zero in on problems and solutions within each of the primary focus areas covered by SI. At 3-7 pages, they’ll make good quick-hit introductions to important topics and issues for the busy C-suite executive or on-the-fence prospect.
LEAD GENERATION: New White Paper Library
Sourcing Innovation will be launching a white paper library where you can distribute your white papers on a cost-per-download or cost-per-lead basis.
In addition, SI will be maintaining its joint label and private label writing services which can generate a custom white paper for you that you can use in your lead-generation efforts.
EVENT PROMOTION: Event Advertisements on SI
As described in the FAQ, Sourcing Innovation would be pleased to advertise your event with a logo on the side-bar and a landing page of your choice. Advertised events are also included in the weekly “New and Upcoming Events” post on the blog.
Additional information on these, and other, services can be found in the FAQ.
For more information, contact us using the contact information in the FAQ.