Dos for Procurement Leadership, Part I

A recent article in the CPO Agenda had some good Dos and Don’ts of Procurement Leadership that are worth repeating. Today we’re going to dive into five of the dos and put an SI slant on them. DO:

  • Put a Man on the Moon

    Have a clear vision of success, a plan to get there, the ability to articulate this to your team in an inspirational manner, and the willingness to see it through — even if it takes almost a decade.

  • Build Your Vision on Solid Foundations

    Make sure your measures of success are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. These will be essential to not only communicate success within your organization, but to manage any processes you outsource to a consulting firm or a BPO. (See the roles of performance in the (out)sourcing process.)

  • Be a Business Function

    Use Total Value Management, which is the root of all value models, to make sure your objectives are aligned with overall (strategic) business objectives. Your wins become business wins, and you look like a superstar.

  • Develop Your Capabilities

    Make sure you develop personal development plans (PDP) for each and every team member and follow them through. Charles outlined some good ideas you can use in his post on Procurement Transformation in the archives.

  • Always Deliver on Your Promises

    You need to be seen as reliable and trustworthy. This will help you get the resources you need for continued success.