Daily Archives: May 8, 2010

The Best ISM Conference …

… is one you don’t attend.

Needless to say I was thrilled to see Jason Busch’s recent post over on Spend Matters where he essentially said the same thing:

a medical diagnosis required that I hang out in my hotel room … I missed the sessions this time around … this year had a much better vibe

Still Think Facebook is Fabulous?

Then you must read Dan’s post on the “Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook” over on rocket.ly.

In a nutshell, according to Dan:

10. Facebook’s Terms of Service are complete one-sided

09. Facebook’s CEO has a documented history of unethical behavior

08. Facebook has flat out declared war on privacy.

07. Facebook is pulling a classic bait-and-switch.

06. Facebook is a bully.

05. Even your private data is shared with Facebook applications.

04. Facebook is not technically competent enough to be trusted.

03. Facebook makes it incredibly difficult to truly delete your account.

02. Facebook doesn’t (really) support the Open Web.

01. The Facebook application itself sucks.

And I have to say that I agree. As such, I will continue to remain faceless.

And I strongly encourage you to check out Dan’s post in its entirely. It’s quite shocking!