Catch the doctor on the West Coast

While I don’t advertise my whereabouts often, because it’s usually the case that I barely have enough extra time to even see everyone who’s put a request in since the last time I was in a certain geographic area, I’m purposely spending a couple of extra days on the West Coast next month to give anyone who’d like to talk to the doctor in person a chance to do so, as I don’t make it over there as much as I’d like.

Specifically, I’ll be in the San Francisco Valley area from October 4th through October 10th and still have some free time on half of those days. If you’d like to meet, e-mail me, let me know where you are (and who you represent if it’s not clear from your e-mail address), and I’ll let you know when I’ll be close(st) to you and what times I have available.

See you soon!