Daily Archives: October 7, 2013

Insufficient Sleep is a Public Health Epidemic – Don’t Let Your Supply Chain Give You Insomnia!

As per this feature on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic, which shouldn’t be surprising given that over one third of the US adult population gets less than 7 hours of sleep a night, when the average adult needs 7 to 9 hours a night. (Source: National Sleep Foundation)

Why? There’s a plethora of reasons. Overwork. Stress. Late Night Talk Show Addictions. Facebook and Twitter Addictions. And Insomnia. However, Supply Chain Insomnia should not be a reason.

According to this ridiculous article (on causes of supply chain insomnia identified) over on Supply Chain Digital, the following 10 issues are keeping supply chain leaders up at night and giving them insomnia:

  1. Collaboration
  2. Inventory Management and Planning
  3. Demand Management and Forecasting
  4. Supply Chain Network Optimization
  5. Supply Chain Risk Management
  6. Training and Development
  7. Sales and Operations Planning
  8. Material Purchase Price Reductions
  9. Performance improvements in warehouses and RDC’s
  10. Supply Chain Segmentation

There’s no excuse for any of these issues to be keeping you up at night. There have existed great Best-of-Breed technology solutions that have enabled an organization to solve the following issues for years, many of which have been profiled on this blog:

  • Collaboration
  • Inventory Management and Planning
  • Demand Management and Forecasting
  • Supply Chain Network Optimization
  • Sales and Operations Planning

The following can be appropriately addressed with the right mix of talent, process transition, and technology:

  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Performance improvements in warehouses and RDC’s
  • Supply Chain Segmentation

And the following is easily solved by actually putting money back into the training budget and letting your people go on courses, instead of taking money out of the training budget to increase CXO pay while working your talent half to death:

  • Training and Development

Which leaves only one issue to worry about:

  • Material purchase price reductions

But when you get right down to it, we’re in inflationary times and everyone knows it. Prices are going to go up and people are going to grudgingly pay reasonable, minimal, price increases. So the issue is not price reductions, but cost containment, and this is easily accomplished with

  • market intelligence and an understanding of what the real price currently is,
  • process improvement that takes price out of raw material acquisition, product production, and logistics, and
  • creative re-design that reduces the need for costly raw materials and production processes.

And all of this can be accomplished if you have the right talent with the right training. So invest in your talent*, give them the right technological tools, and let them transition your processes to where they need to be. Then you won’t have to worry about any of these problems.

*It’s not like the 95% investment in the top 1% has done any good! (Source: UC Berkeley Study)