The CPO’s Agenda

A CPO has a lot on her mind these days. As per SI’s recent “Future Trends” expose series, the reason that so many ancient trends are being recycled as future trends is because so many issues are still current for Procurement organizations struggling to catch up to the times and become best in class. That’s why we have to continually deal with:

  • Governmental Regulations
  • Globalization
  • Increased Competition
  • Margin Pressure
  • Outsourcing
  • Risk
  • Collaboration
  • Demand Planning
  • Governance
  • Systems
  • System Integration
  • Process Convergence
  • Raw Material Scarcity
  • Strategic Focus
  • Talent
  • Supplier Relationships
  • Product Life Cycles
  • The Cloud
  • Sustainability
  • KPIs

and a dozen more issues that should have been put to rest a decade ago. But which of these issues are the most important issues and which issues are being overlooked by a CPO who is being blindsided by false issues? And which issues are top on the list?

Fortunately for you, this is a question you don’t need to ask anymore. On the new Spend Matters Chief Procurement Officer site, the doctor of Sourcing Innovation and Pierre Mitchell, of Hackett Group and AMR fame, have collaborated on a 20-part series on the “The CPO’s Agenda”, which is overviewed in the preamble post on “What is Top of Mind for CPOs”, that will tell you, as a new or aspiring CPO, what you need to focus on.

And stay tuned to this new, first of its kind site which, for at least the next six months, will be bringing you a cross-blog collaboration between the doctor of Sourcing Innovation and Pierre Mitchell of the Spend Matters Group (with occasional contributions from Thomas Kase and Jason Busch). The new Spend Matters Chief Procurement Officer site is the first of its kind and the education that is coming your way will be unequalled! This is only the first of three in-depth series between the doctor and Pierre Mitchell that are almost ready to roll, with more in the works. Stay tuned!