Daily Archives: June 4, 2017
A Supply Management Alphabet
Inspired by Edward Gorey.
A is for analysis, of data sets quite large.
B is for bid, which might leave out the surcharge.
C is for contracts to cover our backsides.
D is for demand ‘cross the customer divides.
E is for ethics, which often get overlooked.
F is for finance, where the books will get cooked.
G is for global, the world is our stage.
H is for hub, where our goods get waylaid.
I is for inventory, obsolete by the day.
J is for JIT, a difficult ballet.
K is for Kaizen, often mispronounced.
L is for labour, who strike unannounced.
M is for majeure, which suppliers will claim.
N is for negotiate, the salesperson’s game.
O is for optimize, as we’re lost in the woods.
P is for procure, we need our missing goods!
Q is for quote, where assumptions abound.
R is for requisition, for products unsound.
S is for supplier, our life in their hands.
T is for taxes, which cross many lands.
U is for upcharge, which blows up our cost.
V is for value, which always gets lost.
W is for warehouse, where our goods disappear.
X is for XML, held hostage by the code buccaneer.
Y is for yield, which is never as expected
Z is for zone, where trade is inspected.