Four Hundred Years Ago Today …

The Catholic Church attempts to return the world to the Dark Ages when they ban Nicolaus Copernicus’ book: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium where he puts forward the correct heliocentric theory that the Sun is the centre of our solar system (which was essentially the known Universe at that time).

And while he was not the first to do so, as Aristarchus of Samos had posited such a theory almost 1,900 years earlier, it was the seminal work on the matter during the Renaissance and one of the most detailed as Copernicus went to great detail to reconcile the known orbits of the planets with his heliocentric model. The only drawback of Copernicus’ model (published in 1543) was that he held onto the circular orbits of the Ptolemaic system (that put the earth at the centre), something not corrected until Kepler posited that the orbits were actually elliptical in 1609.

Technology Sustentation 80: The Cloud

As SI said in our post on technology damnation 80, software was good. Hosted ASP was better. True multi-tenant SaaS was better still. But the “cloud” is, more often than not, the one step back that follows the two-steps forward.

The cloud is not a white fluffy cloud full of day dreams, it is a gathering storm cloud that could soon erupt and flood your entire operation while the hail it dispenses pummels you to a bloody pulp.

As per our damnation post, if you are not careful, you could:

  • lose your mail,
  • lose your data,
  • lose your platform, and
  • lose your customers as well as
  • lose your supply chain visibility,
  • lose your revenue stream, and
  • lose all the cash in your bank account

And you could be permanently lost at sea when the floods carry you away.

Unless, of course, you take precautions. What kind of precautions?

  1. Make sure that your providers’ platforms are designed in such a way that not only is there no data cross-pollination, but that there is no access cross-pollination. This may require that the provider not only create a new instance for each client, but run it on a new virtual machine. (The database can be on one server, as long as it’s encrypted and the encryption for each client uses a unique key so that if a hacker gets through to the database through another client’s poor security configuration, and gets all the data, your data can’t be decrypted.)
  2. Make sure that the provider supports encryption across all of your data, not just parts of it, and that it is up to date (and up to snuff). Even data that might be considered inconsequential can be enough to be damaging if enough bits of it are pieced together.
  3. Make sure the provider does near-real time incremental, replicated, distributed, off-site back-ups to make sure that, in the case of hardware failure (or FBI/NSA server seizure), your data is not lost.
  4. Make sure the provider has multiple real-world data centres that the platform can be run on in case one (or more) data centres become unavailable.
  5. Make sure the provider has a distributed fault-tolerant up-time monitoring solution that can detect if an application instance becomes unavailable and restore the most recent back-up to a different data centre and do the necessary re-routings in (near) real time.

In other words, security, fault-tolerance, and distributed processing and back-up are critical. Without it, you’ll be hacked, your system will go down, and you may not get it (or even your data) back.

Influential Sustentation 95: Competitors

I know this appears to be an oxymoron, but competitors do sustain you. Without competitors, there is no validation for your product, your market, and even your existence. But this isn’t a blog about Sales, this is a blog about Procurement. Believe it or not, competitors also help to sustain your Procurement practice. And we’ll get to that, but first we need to discuss the damnation that competitors can be.

Competitors are an outright damnation to the whole organization. Marketing makes an announcement, your competitors try to one up. Sales signs a great customer, your competitors try to weasel into the customer’s good graces through the backdoor. Your R&D makes a great discovery, and here comes the corporate espionage. But from a Procurement point of view, they are also damning.

  • They compete for limited supply and drive prices up.
  • They compete for limited talent and drive prices up.
  • They compete for limited expert (technology) resource time.

Ouch! How can they possibly be a sustentation. Well, this is an example of where when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Your Procurement can wallow in self-pity every time the competition scoops up a limited supply at a great price before you, steals the talent you want, or gets the top expert at the systems integrator to work on their project first, or you can recognize that anything they can do you can do better. And here’s where you start.

  • Monitor the market constantly, on-line, and in real-time to not only detect the rare occasions when forward auctions get listed (because a competitor went out of business or overbought and has to dump), but to detect events that could impact supply. If a natural disaster wipes out a significant portion of supply, then the market is just going to get tighter and having advance knowledge of the pending crunch can allow you to stock up on inventory early and cut your competitor off, or at least get pre-crunch prices locked in.
  • Invest in and understand the talent market, what each generation wants, and put together comprehensive work-life balance packages that will be more attractive than a competitor who merely promises a slightly above market salary (and nothing else).
  • Make sure to negotiate up-front sufficient access to any resources you will need, guaranteed milestone dates on the integration project, and penalties for non-performance.

There are other things you can do, but if you start here, you will suffer less supply crunches, attract more talent, and get your projects done on time. And this is a great start.

Re-introducing Keelvar, An Optimization Backed Sourcing Platform

Last summer, we introduced you to Keelvar, a provider of an optimization-backed Sourcing Platform with a strange name that produced uncommon results. A client of Keelvar’s with 30 year’s experience in ocean freight sourcing remarked that it was like their first generation sourcing suite on steroids, so Keelvar is definitely a platform that should be on your radar.

A spin-out from a research laboratory that built a next generation solver, Keelvar was formed as a SaaS (Software as a Service) company in 2012. Unlike the majority of sourcing optimization software providers, they realized from day one that the solution wasn’t a better optimization module, it was a better sourcing platform where ease of use was the most important driver of adoption. Their Founder and CEO, Alan Holland, believes that “every sourcing event with a possible split-award should be optimized but in a completely transparent manner so that it’s easy for both buyers and suppliers” to understand the award recommendation and the reason therefore.

The starting premise was that the average user wasn’t advanced enough to use the first generation strategic sourcing decision optimization (SSDO) solutions where optimization was a standalone module and you needed to be an optimization platform expert to set up the models and run the sourcing event. It had to be intuitive and easy. Moreover, these average buyers have much simpler categories. As a result, the models were simpler than what some of the first generation expert providers were throwing at them, and, moreover, the majority of these models for standard, “simpler“, categories were fairly standard and could even be mapped to a default template by a senior buyer that the junior buyer could start with, and sometimes use unaltered.

Unlike many platforms, the optimization-backed sourcing platform walks the buyer through a simple process for creating and executing a sourcing event that even a junior buyer will feel comfortable with, detailed in our introductory Keelvar post. This process is as easy to use as a powerful, weighted, RFX tool or e-Auction, which is something that cannot be said for the majority of optimization solutions on the market that still require a solid understanding of the underlying mathematics and operations research. It’s sourcing for the every-man.

And it’s not just for the mid-size company anymore. If you will recall, when SI first reviewed the solution, SI identified it as the perfect solution for the lower-end of the mid-market. However, over the last six months, the usability and power has been steadily improved, and now SI will also identify it as a perfect solution for the entire mid-market and a candidate solution for the Fortune 500 / Global 3000. Keelvar, which has a US presence in addition to its UK presence, has acquired a number of Global 3000 clients for whom the solution is perfect for. For the majority of categories, and spend, in these organizations, there is no need for overkill optimization and the solution is a perfect fit. That’s not to say that it can’t handle the more complex categories either, with a number of global logistics events for some of the world’s largest shippers already under its belt, just that it is perfect for those enterprises where the majority of events are not that complex and can be templated for the average buyer.

Plus, the Kevlar platform is under continual development and improvement. Not many SSDO platforms can say that either. When optimization is one module in a set, providers can’t focus constant development on it. When optimization powers a single platform, it’s a different story.

Any company that chooses Keelvar gets a solution that allows all spend to be subject to the appropriate level of optimization, which is what allows Keelvar to get fantastic results for some organizations and why they have progressed so fast. If you have a traditional, heavy, solution that can only be used by a small set of dedicated resources on a few large categories, the organization will struggle to get 10-20% of spend under optimization-backed management which means, at the end of the day, the savings potential of the solution (expected to save 10%) is a mere 1-2% on the bottom line. But if you have a solution that is lighter, streamlined, and useable by everyone in your organization, you can get 80% of spend under optimization-backed management. And while the simpler categories won’t hide the same opportunity, even if you squeezed out a mere 6.25% average savings, that’s still 5% to the bottom line and a much better investment. At the end of the day, it’s not the line item count that the product can support, but the amount of spend that flows through it. And the bravado claims by first generation solutions that their solution can support tens of thousands of line items have done more harm than good.

Keelvar is an agile company and is developing new product features and global coverage quickly. New developments in the last six months include …

  • RFI with bulk editing capabilities.
  • Bid data sanitizer to detect, correct and prevent erroneous bidding (via automatic identification of outliers).
  • Enhancements to multi-round RFQ capabilities.
  • Large scale e-Auction support for hundreds of lots and bid upload capabilities.
  • New support portal to cater for the growing global customer base.
  • Partnerships with benchmark data providers in Global Logistics.
  • A partnership with an e-Sourcing Suite provider.
  • New offices in South America and Australia (which give it a presence on four continents).
  • Paid trial offering for Global 5000 companies (and, as per a recent SI post, paid pilots, under the consulting budget, could be just what you need to prove the value of an optimization-backed sourcing platform and get investment $$’s to upgrade your platform, and your results).

As one of the few companies aggressively developing an optimization-backed sourcing platform, and one of the few companies in the Supply Management space focusing on adoption first, Keelvar is one of a handful of global companies that might just lead Procurement out of the dark ages (in which Procurement seems to perpetually exist as a resident of the Island of Misfit Toys) and into the enlightenment.