Kodiak Hub: A Supplier Relationship Management for Sustainability

Kodiak Hub is a relatively new Swedish solution for Supplier Relationship Management. Founded in 2015, it primarily served the Nordics for its first few years but began its expansion into the DACH and UK Regions during COVID (and even serves the NA market, although they don’t plan to tackle the NA market until the coming […]

Introducing aThingz: A Logistics as a Service (LaaS) Provider that is providing an end to end Total Logistics Management Solution

Over the past three articles we have outlined the importance of logistics management, especially with respect to cost management, supply management, and risk management outlined the major steps in logistics planning and execution outlined the major modules/solutions that are currently used outlined the major problems with using separate systems for each major step … and […]

A Brief Introduction to the Components of Logistics Management (LMI Part 2)

In our last article we noted that Logistics Management is something that many procurement professionals overlook because most larger organizations have a separate logistics department, but it’s something that they shouldn’t because they won’t understand the true cost, the true delivery times, or the true risk of their sourcing decisions, which may, because of this, […]

A Brief Introduction to the Importance of Logistics Management (LMI Part 1)

Logistics Management is something that many procurement professionals overlook because most larger organizations have a separate logistics department. Logistics should not be separated from the whole of supply chain operations management because not only can you not compute a total cost of acquisition (which is the minimum calculation you should do during sourcing) without a […]