Source-to-Pay+ is Extensive (P38) … Prettying Up the Project with Procurement Project Management

In our three installments last week (Part 34, Part 35, Part 36) we noted that, when you are in Sourcing/Procurement, you need to intake requests, manage projects, and/or orchestrate your technology-enabled processes, depending on what the modules/suite you have do and don’t do and what your particular situation warrants. However, we also noted, that you […]

Source-to-Pay+ is Extensive (P20) … And Supplier Management Very Extensive … So Here Are Over 100 Supplier Management Companies to Check Out!

And now the post you’ve all been waiting for! A partial, starting, list of over 100 supplier management companies that may (or may not) meet some, or many, of the core baseline capabilities we outlined in the last four parts of this series (Part 16, Part 17, Part 18 and Part 19) as we discussed […]

Source-to-Pay+ is Extensive (P16) … Time to Break Down the CORNED QUIP of Supplier Management, A-Side

So, we’ve implemented e-Procurement, adopted Spend Analysis, and identified Supplier Management as the next Source-to-Pay solution to implement. But it has as many aspects on its own as Source-to-Pay has, so finding the right solution is going to be tough. First we have to decide which aspects of the CORNED QUIP, as identified in Part […]

Where’s the Procurement Management Platform?

Where’s the Procurement Management Platform? When we started out in the very, very, very late nineties, it was all about Procurement and/or Strategic Sourcing, which, in the beginning was all about RFPs and on-line auctions. The focus was on taking many organizations from fax and spreadsheets to integrated bids and on-line analysis and reporting (even […]