Addressing Tail-End Spend Management

Today’s guest post, which is part two of a two-part series, is from Gonzague de Thieulloy, a Managing Director at Xchanging Procurement who manages tail-end spend management programs at Xchanging’s largest European customers. In yesterday’s post, we defined tail-end spend, which is the 20% or so of spend with the organization’s non-strategic suppliers that, due […]

Societal Damnation 52: Project Management

I’m sure you’re asking — what’s damning about project management? Isn’t good project management the key to success? After all, without good management, the chances of a project over-running its resource allocation (of time, people, and money), if not failing, increase significantly. Well, yes, it is. Provided you can manage the project. One has to […]

Risk Management in Migration to Low-Cost Countries, Part II

Today’s guest post is from Diego De La Garza, Senior Project Manager at Source Once Management Services, LLC, and Source One’s expert on sourcing in Latin America. In Part I, we noted that efficient migration to low-cost countries has become a necessary, competitive trait because ignoring low-cost country sourcing within the corporate agenda is now […]

Risk Management and Suppliers: How Banks can Comply with the OCC’s Guidelines on Third-Party Relationships

Today’s guest post is from Rebecca Lorden, Business Development and Marketing Manager of Source One Management Services, LLC. In October of 2013, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released specific guidelines to banks and federal savings associations that outline how their companies should assess and manage risks associated with third-party relationships. The OCC’s […]