SupplHi – A Best of Breed Supplier Management Platform for Industrial MRO

In a recent article, we noted that It Does Not Matter Where You Start, You End with BoB in SXM, and if you in the business of industrial MRO, it’s likely that your BoB will be SupplHi. SupplHi is one of the broadest, and deepest, solutions we’ve seen for Industrial MRO (and Direct in general, […]

There’s Some Really Awful Procurement Job Seeking Advice Out There — Truly Awful!

On a weekly basis, the doctor scours the internet for recent developments and news in sourcing, procurement, and supply chain that major publications, analysts, bloggers, and the major LinkedIn trolls … errr … influencers might have missed. If you follow a half dozen thought leaders, analysts, major sources, etc., you won’t miss much, but deep […]

AnyData: Your Mid-Market BoB Analytics Solution for Opportunity Identification, Compliance Tracking, and Associated Project Management

AnyData, which we first covered on Sourcing Innovation back in 2017 (in AnyData: Another Analytics Arriviste from Across the Atlantic), has matured significantly since 2017, especially with its addition of auto-rule generation using AI in 2020 (as chronicled in AnyData, making spend analytics accessible by anyone! [Or, ‘The mid-market analytics quandary’]) over on the Spend […]