Per Year, How Much Should You Outlay for a Multi-National Enterprise Source to Pay? Good Question! Poor Answer. 500K+

Whereas we were willing and able to put a real, actual, number, or a very tight range, for mid-markets, the situation gets more tricky for a multi-national enterprise with 1 Billion + in Revenue. Why? Aren’t they using the same advanced tech as a large mid-market, except using advanced capabilities across the board? And, because […]

The 39 Steps … err … The 39 Clues … err … The 39 Part Series to Help You Figure Out Where to Start with Source-to-Pay

Figuring out where to start is not easy, and often never where the majority of vendors or consultants say you should start. They’ll have great reasons for their recommendations, which will typically be true, but they will be the subset of reasons that most benefits them (as it will sell their solution), and not necessarily […]

Just What Is a Start-Up?

Do you know? I bet you don’t! And based upon what he’s seeing in the market, even the doctor doesn’t know anymore! (While he knows what a start-up has traditionally been defined as, that doesn’t appear to be the definition anymore, but we’ll get to that.) Investopedia defines a startup as a company in the […]

Per Year, How Much Should You Outlay for ADVANCED Source to Pay? 250K to 500K, MAX!!!

That’s right! Continuing last week’s post, we are again putting a stake in the ground on a real, actual, number! (With similar caveats, of course, but still, a real number!) Why? Because, at least in North America, the one question everyone asks but no one wants to answer, is, how much for that product on […]