Source-to-Pay+ Is Extensive (P8) … You Have Your eProcurement Baseline, What Comes Next?

So you have your e-Procurement baseline, or you are at least in the process of implementing it and you need to scope out what module / solution to implement next. Where do you start? The answer here is not as easy, even after careful deliberation and research, because there are very good, sometimes equally good, […]

Source-to-Pay+ Is Extensive (P7) … So Here Are Some e-Procurement Companies to Check Out

As promised, here is a partial, starting, list of seventy (70) e-Procurement companies that have many of the baseline features we outlined in Part 5 of this series. Please note that this list is in no-way complete (as no analyst is aware of every company), is only valid as of the date of posting (as […]

Source-to-Pay+ Is Extensive (P6) … But There are Barriers Selecting an e-Procurement Solution!

After sticking through five parts of this series (Part I, Part II,Part III,Part IV, and Part V) you accept that you need to start with e-Procurement, which means getting an e-Procurement foundation in place as soon as possible if you don’t have it or upgrading the e-Procurement foundation if the solution you have now does […]