A 60 Minute Call is NOT Due Diligence!

It used to be the doctor would only get a request once every month or so for a “call with a client looking for some insight into the space from an expert“, but now it’s the case he’s getting these every week, often multiple times a week, from yet another firm that “specializes in connecting […]

Source-to-Pay+ is Extensive (P1) … Where Do You Start???

Even though all core sourcing and procurement technologies have been available for twenty (20) years (although it is debatable just how good the initial versions of many of these applications were), there are still many mid-size or larger organizations that don’t have any modern applications to support Procurement, and the majority of organizations still do […]

Rabbit Season? Duck Season?

Is it just me or does the annual return of “conference” season remind you of the old Looney Tunes Rabbit Season, Duck Season shorts with all of the competing, similar, but yet mangled and confusing messages about what you should be focussing on, what conferences you should be going to, and what you should be […]

Now that Per Angusta is going away …

… we’re finally getting a new Procurement Management Platform! And that’s a great thing! Hopefully that last line caught your attention enough to read on (since Per Angusta isn’t actually going away, just its name) because the reason it’s a great thing is that Per Angusta, which finally completed it’s integration with SpendHQ, is soon […]