Nine Hundred and Forty Three Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Four words later (including the words in this post), or Thirteen Hundred and Eighteen posts later (which does not count the dozens of guests posts on other blogs, including e-Sourcing Forum, Supply Excellence, Procurement Leaders, and Deal Architect), and Sourcing Innovation (SI) officially turns three. Although not that long of a time, even in net-time, it is extremely significant in blog-time, especially for a blog that posts every day, twice a day on work-days.
It has been a great year. Growth has continued to the point where not only is Sourcing Innovation undisputedly (at least) the second most trafficked blog in the space any way you want to look at it, with well over 10,000 unique visitors a month (from thousands of organizations), but it’s reach on the search engines is, on average, three times that of any other blog or publication in the space. And, of course, it’s reach and influence is still growing … globally … without any signs of slowing down, especially now that a few of the thought leaders like Kevin Brooks, Norman Katz, and Dick Locke, who have posted regularly on SI since day one, have decided to take on regular contributor roles.
However, I still contend that the best has not been written. Even though this blog has covered the full range of the sourcing and procurement cycles, from spend analysis to contract management through requisition to e-payment and reconciliation, and branched further into enterprise cost management, supply chain risk and fraud management and prevention, and global trade with the help of some guest authors and contributors, and continued to keep green, sustainability, talent management, supply chain finance, and other best practices in the forefront, it’s still only scratched the surface. There is still more to tell, and even though the Sourcing Maniacs made a herculean effort, still many more vendors to cover — and with our understanding of supply chain, and the world in general, increasing by the day, you can never stop learning — and never, ever, stop innovating. And that’s what Sourcing Innovation is all about.
(So if you’d like a piece of this action, at a cost less than your average Google ad-words or trade publication e-mail blast campaign on a per eyeball basis [because, when you get right down to it, it’s impressions that matter], check out the Open Pricing Model and contact us using the contact information in the FAQ. You won’t be disappointed.)
[Of course, this also means that Sourcing Innovation will reach the 1,000,000 word mark next month. This puts Sourcing Innovation in a very exclusive club. To find out how this value can benefit you, again, please contact us.]