A recent article on the “Disciplinarians’ Dilemma” in CFO Magazine noted that nearly all CFOs today have a mandate to conserve cash and that a recent McKinsey study found that 40% of companies surveyed are actively seeking to reduce research-and-development costs as well as the number of research-and-development projects they are funding. This is, of course, quite troubling because, as I have said over and over again (in my “dumb company” and “dead company” series), slashing research-and-development budgets in the near term will place companies in precarious competitive positions when the economy does turnaround. More specifically, they’ll struggle even more to maintain their existing client base while those companies that did innovate and develop more valuable solutions in the downturn will not only get most of the new customers, but lure some of their competition’s customers away.
However, as the article notes, instead of acting as the enemy of innovation, a CFO can play a critical role in fostering research-and-development. Given that the biggest weaknesses most companies have when it comes to innovation revolve around sticking to timelines, earmarking funds, and balancing the innovation portfolio, and that these are the strengths of the finance department, a CFO can play a critical role in the development of innovative new solutions by doing what she does best.
Furthermore, the same logic applies to procurement. While some less-than-visionary CFOs will look upon Procurement as a Cost Center, and try to freeze budgets, delay the acquisition of new technology, and freeze hiring even when you lose your staff due to attrition to more generous competitors, innovative CFOs will instead embrace the value, and substantial savings, Procurement can bring and help them balance their projects, funding, and available resources for maximum return to the company. And the best way to fall into the latter camp is to not only tell them what you can do, but let them know how they can help make your savings plans a reality and ask for their help. After all, which project are they likely to kill first — one they know nothing about or one in which they see, and are contributing to, the value?