Hiperos provides a SaaS platform that allows an organization to manage the entire 3rd party lifecycle, which consists of registration, data collection, segmentation, control automation, assessment, management, and collaborative issue resolution.
Hiperos includes your standard SIM (Supplier Information Management) functionality that allows for supplier self-service registration and profile maintenance and data integration from third party sources. On top of that it implements a user-configurable rules-based workflow that allows third-parties to be segmented into different buckets that represent the different programs that they need to be subjected too – be it FCPA, REACH, WEE, HIPPA, or some other type of compliance or monitoring program. Each bucket has its associated monitoring rules that notify the third party when more information is needed and that automatically alerts the user when a violation is detected or when information is not provided by the third party in a timely fashion. Assessments are automatically run every time new data becomes available and can be run by a user at any time. The fact that all relevant third party information is available at all times allows users to pro-actively manage third parties, and associated risks, and then either work with third parties to mitigate risks, if the potential infraction can be corrected, or cut them loose if the risk of association is too great (because they showed up on a denied party list or use child labour in their supply chain).
The application, which loads the default user-defined dashboard, allows a user to manage third parties, engagements, relationships, products, and programs and to define programs, vendor communities, reports, and analytics.
The dashboard is multi-tabbed and allows a user to define relevant views on each of the application areas defined above, as well as a default dashboard that allows the user to see the information most relevant to him or her. At the top of the dashboard is a link to current action items that allows a user to quickly see what needs to be done in third party management, engagements, programs, etc. The dashboards can be configured using hundreds of pre-defined (reporting) widgets or the user can define their own widgets by defining appropriate reports in the reporting module. And the user can bring in real-time news and data feeds from sites of interest.
The application can track any compliance, performance, sustainability, or risk data elements of interest and, like any good SIM platform, is preconfigured to track hundreds of relevant data items, depending upon the programs you define as relevant for a given compliance, performance, or risk program (which minimizes the amount of configuration required to track custom fields). And not only is all relevant data available from any view that is program or user defined, but it’s all interlinked so a user can click on a third party included in a program, see the relevant report(s), and then dive into the third party data management screen to examine the raw data elements, and then run a report on just a data subset.
Program definition is flexible and allows for any type of compliance, risk, sustainability, or performance program you can think of. In addition, the fact that Hiperos also supports contract meta-data and third-party data feeds allows financial impact reports to be generated. That way, a user always knows what the impact of a third-party falling out of compliance is to the organization. Knowing that a tier-one supplier might be buying from a tier-two supplier that might be using child labour is one thing, but knowing that the organization is spending 20 Million across 5 categories on that tier-one supplier is something else. In the first case, the supplier is put on the “investigate” list and someone gets around to it when they get around to it. In the second case, the user knows that it is a high priority and an investigation has to be started immediately as the public backlash will be extremely damaging to the organization if it gets out that 20 Million is being spent on products and/or services that were partially produced by child labour.
Hiperos has also included extensive color-coded geo-mapping capabilities so that you can quickly see, for any program, where the highest risk areas are globally and dive in. While Hiperos is not the first company to do this, they have latched on to the fact that the visual representation of risk or non-compliance by region allows one to quickly see what regions have to be monitored. This allows resources to be properly applied, especially since proper monitoring will typically require subscriptions to appropriate data feeds for those regions.
The Market Intelligence capabilites are quite extensive too, and they have pre-configured watch-lists, diversity monitoring, parent-subsidiary monitoring, subcontractor monitoring, REACH/WEE monitoring, and dozens of other feeds of interest which can be enabled as required by the client.
And the analytics piece supports the full suite of slice-and-dice capabilities found in most sourcing products today, so that you can dive into the data and find out which suppliers, categories, or programs represent the highest risk to your organization.
There’s quite a bit of data, and the application can be quite busy at times, but Hiperos has one thing right, where compliance is concerned, it’s Hip to be Square.