Monthly Archives: October 2010

Why So Few Tweets from the C-Suite?

A recent HBR blog post asked why so few tweets from the C-suite. Apparently the author, a “reputation strategist” at a public relations consultancy (no surprises here!), believes that all modern CEO should have a presence online and that the best way to accomplish this is to use modern social platforms, among which Twitter (again, PR person) is supposedly included.

Well, there’s an easy answer to this question, and since I’m such a nice guy, I’m going to give it to her:

Because, contrary to popular opinion, C-suite executives are not a bunch of twits.

Generally speaking, you do not get promoted to the C-suite if you’re an idiot. And most modern executives, who know that Twitter will make a twit out of you by causing you to lose basic writing skills, understand that they need every brain cell they have to survive in today’s modern economy. So while there is an argument for them to be blogging and communicating more with the public using modern tools, there’s never a good reason to use tools like Twitter, and thank whatever deity you believe in that some people still have the good sense to know this!

Life Lessons from Clown College: I

I received a lot of positive feedback from my first post, and I must admit, it went to my head a little. I never knew I had so much to offer! So I’ve decided that I am going to share some of the many life lessons I learned in Clown College with you over the next few months in hopes that they will help you become a better procurement professional.

  • Be Flexible

    You never know when you’re going to have to share a car with 11 of your best friends, or an office (after your company decides to downsize). You’ll have to get along, even though you’ll all be highly stressed all day long.

  • Practice, Practice, Practice

    Just like it takes a lot of skill to fold a balloon into a little dog in 30 seconds flat, it takes a lot of skill to to source 100,000 units of a specialized manufactured components in 14 days after Engineering tells you the forecasted demand they sent you in the spreadsheet was missing a zero!

  • Make Sure You Have a Safety Net the First Time You Walk the High Wire

    Just like you’re going to fall the first time you try to walk the tight-rope in your big, floppy clown shoes, something is bound to go wrong the first time you try to e-Negotiate a strategic high-dollar category with suppliers who are still in the paper-centric stone ages. Equipment will fail, a key supplier will refuse to participate at the last minute, or someone will make an unsustainably low bid (and scare everyone else away). Make sure you have your “disaster recovery” plans in place before you start. Have someone standing by to take bids over the phone. Have a relationship councillor at the go to calm the supplier’s fears and convince them the e-Negotiation is in their best interest. Make sure that incorrect and unsustainable bids can be quickly withdrawn or rejected by the event administrator. Otherwise, without these safety nets, the event might fall through the proverbial floor.

I hope you enjoyed these life lessons. Until next time, please join me as I lead the honkers in a rousing rendition of Honk Around the Clock!

What is the Net/Net of the Network?

If you thought the noughts was the decade of the network, think again. At this point, every sourcing vendor and its mascot either has a supply network or is in the process of creating one. We’re long past the point where the only network you could get aribaed on is the ASN. We have the Ketera Network. We have the Coupa Supplier Network. We have the SciQuest Supplier Network. We have the OB10 Global e-Invoicing Network. And two more Bay Area companies are in the process of releasing (or, depending on the timing of this post, have just released) their own supplier networks. It’s the age of the supplier network. But what’s the net? Is it worth it?

Should we, and by we I mean the little guy who’s going to ultimately end up paying the price (as networks, like most other systems of taxes, are the ultimate means of quickly and efficiently pushing the cost down upon us little guys), embrace the new networks with open arms? Should we do whatever we can to resist their adoption? Or should we take a neutral wait-and-see stance.

To answer this question, let’s examine each of the “selling points” of today’s supplier networks from both the buyer and supplier perspectives. (Although we ultimately care how the networks impact us, we also have to understand how they affect the buyers in order to make an informed decision. We have to consider the net/net, because even if the networks are detrimental to us, if the benefits to the buyer far outweigh the detriments to us, we can’t outright reject them if the buyer could pass some of those benefits to us. I know it’s a big if, but we have to be fair!)

  • Find a supplier. / Find a customer.

    Like any buyer worth her salt doesn’t already know who her suppliers, and their competitors, are? (Heck, all you have to do to find out your supplier’s top three competitors are is to ask them why they’re better than one and the salesman will start to ramble about how they’re better than competitors A, B, C, etc. until you cut him off!) And as a supplier, you definitely know who your top customers are, and it’s pretty easy to find out who their big competitors are with Google. No real value here.

  • Electronically receive purchase orders and send invoices.

    How long have we had secure FTP? And what modern e-Procurement platform doesn’t do this? And how many freeware programs / (HTTPS/SSL) websites exist that let you do this? (More than I can count!) No new vaue here either.

  • Automate and Streamline Processes.

    And how is this different from every other supply chain tool? Marketing gibberish. For value, we have to keep looking.

  • Grow your business.

    Sorry, but I just don’t believe this. Exposure != Award for a supplier and using a back-end tool does not guarantee a front-end sale for a buyer. Besides, what B2B / B2C technology provider doesn’t make this claim?

  • Get paid (or make payment) faster.

    Maybe, maybe not. That depends on whether or not the buyer has the appropriate systems in AP and on their internal policies. If the buyer believes in waiting until the last possible day to pay an invoice (or has an internal policy that they won’t pay an invoice any sooner than the “net” date), the supplier won’t get paid any faster. Besides, how much faster is this than the e-cheque, ACH, e-mail, or wire transfers we all have access to through our online banking? It all goes over the wire, and all packets transmit at the same speed. So, technologically speaking, there’s no gain here either.

  • Participate in / run events.

    Every sourcing tool allows you to do this through your browser. In fact, there are a number of free tools (including WhyAbe) that buyers and suppliers alike can use to solicit, and conduct, business on-line. Another claim filled with empty calories.

  • Automated “lead” alerts of new RFX opportunities.

    Okay, so you can’t get this if you’re not on a network, but I’d argue that at least 99% of these alerts aren’t real “leads” anyway. If a supplier hasn’t contacted you directly, how likely is it that they are going to award you the business? More importantly, how likely is it that you can even meet the demand? Just because a dumb keyword matching algorithm (and let’s face it, since software is not intelligent, most searching algorithms are pretty dumb) detected that the buyer wanted processors and you manufacture processors doesn’t mean you have the right equipment to make the custom processors the buyer wants. Sorry, but the web isn’t semantic yet, and even if it was, you’d still get more false positives than real “leads”! So we have negligable value here.

  • Market Intelligence.

    Okay, so you can see who’s out there, who’s bidding, what they’re bidding on, and, to some extent, what they are being awarded, but you can get most of this intel from most reverse auction platforms if you regularly participate in on-line events. Of course, as a network member on an appropriate network, you can have access to all data from all events, which can be quite useful as you can make an informed decision as to whether or not its worth your time to participate in an event before you do so. This, in turn, allows you to focus on events where you have a reasonable chance of winning the bid. So, there is some new value in terms of market intelligence. As to how much that value is worth, that’s highly dependent upon how many users the network has, how much business is flowing through the network, and how much of that business is relevant to you. If the network is small, if it’s mostly used for “listings”, or if most business ultimately happens offline, the value could be quite minimal.

  • Benchmarking.

    This is about the only argument I’ve seen that actually has real, undeniable, merit. While many on-demand / SaaS / Cloud providers collect data and aggregate benchmarks, most are restricted to their customers and, furthermore, most don’t have enough customers to reach the transaction and spend level required to truly allow the derivation of meaningful metrics that can be defined relative to a specific category in a specific vertical. After all, most benchmarks defined at the global level are not that meaningful when each industry and category has its own individual nuances. But when all of the data across a large network is available for aggregation and analysis, the market intelligence becomes meaningful and usable by each and every member.

So what’s the net/net? There is undeniably some value in a supplier network, especially if it has a large number of members and an annual transaction volume in the Billion plus range, but the value provided is, at least for the time being, no where near as great as most of the providers claim it is. As a result, if you’re paying a lot for the pleasure of being a member, at least for now, you’re more likely to get aribaed then you are to see a profit. That may change in the near future, but make sure you go in with both eyes open and do the cost, and value, calculations before you make any long-term, big-dollar, commitment. And if the fee structure of the network model is designed to push all of the inflated costs and fees down upon you, the little guy, you should put up all the fight you can muster, because you’ll only end up getting aribaed if you don’t!

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Getting Your Supply Chain Ideas off the Ground

A recent article over on the HBR blogs on five powers that get ideas off the ground basically outlined the five things you need to do to get your supply chain ideas off the ground. To show you just how straightforward they are, I’m going to translate them for you in this post.

  1. Show Up

    Woody Allen once said that ninety percent of life is just showing up. It’s as true in business as it is in life. It might take a long time, but, generally speaking, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  2. Speak Up

    For your ideas to take flight, they have to be heard. Put them forward. And don’t be afraid to stand up when others make claims you know are wrong. As Seen That pointed out in response to my post that Sunk Costs Are Not Underwater Treasure, you have to have the guts to stand up and say, “Yes, but what you bought us is completely useless, because (a) nobody uses it, (b) nobody knows how to use it, and (c) the one person in your department who apparently does know how to use it is up to her eyeballs with work. So you haven’t solved our problem”.

  3. Team Up

    Find an organization that will benefit and profit from your idea and create a joint initiative. There’s strength in numbers, and if you get enough support, it gets to the point where only the CEO could veto your effort, which she’s not likely to do if enough of her team stands behind you.

  4. Look Up

    Define and focus on guiding principles that are ethical and sustainable. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it will score lots of points inside and outside the company in a world that’s becoming ever more focussed on corporate social responsibility.

  5. Don’t Give Up

    Persist, persist, persist. Everything is a failure until it succeeds. Never Give In!