MBAs, let’s address the elephant in the room77. You’re drinking from a firehose65 right now while burning the candle on both ends60. It’s a perfect storm31. Profits are down, your visibility into the quarter is a little fuzzy37, and you don’t want to get thrown under the bus71. The organization is going through a re-org84 in an attempt to right-size16 and correct the perception, right or wrong, that there were too many Chiefs and not enough Indians56.
By way of housekeeping22, you know you need to increase mind-share with the customer85, but you don’t have enough boots on the ground20 to scale your marketing efforts. You need to treat the big deals as one-offs40, but you are facing some headwinds39 with the COO who wants to standardize. You need to put your game face on69 and manage expectations52, but you don’t know what to do and you don’t want the R33. But if we take the 30,000 foot view50, unless you want to be re-org’d out, you better take the R33.
Hope is not a strategy46, but you think that’s all you have. You don’t know the next steps73 or the competition killer76 that will allow your organization to move up and to the right83 and regain its profitability and its fame. You don’t have a go-to-market64 strategy, any paradigm shift1 would be outside your core competency38, and you don’t know what your next deliverable81 is.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you eliminate the ready, fire, aim45 approach, put a stake in the ground35, remember the old 80-20 rule51, put aside the basic blocking and tackling68, and do a level-set67, you’ll realize there is a radical solution. Procurement.
And while it’s good to put a face to the name49, it’s even better when you realize that it is the next-generation, turn-key, plug-and-play17 solution that will finally deliver the ROI5 you’ve been searching for. Sure you will get some push-back66 when you suggest it for the first time, but Procurement has it covered from soup to nuts70. Of course you should do a little more due diligence there43, but Procurement really is the cash cow25 you’ve been searching for.
And while you can expect that Marketing will sound like a broken record55 when you bring this up and continue to push their agenda, you need to circle back to that9 later, push your agenda, and loop them in82 when they are ready to cooperate. Once you’ve done your research and identified leading organizational best practices80, you’ll know that Procurement is the way to stop leaving money on the table44 and close the loop72 on organizational success.
There’s a reason that strong Procurement support has gone viral59 in leading organizations and that’s because Procurement’s constant quest for value-add63 increases profits. And while previous business fads have failed, this time its different79 because Procurement has to eat its own dog food28 and is very incentivized41 to buy premium.
MBAs, be sure to come back tomorrow as we explain, in your language, why you have to support procurement.