Can You Stop Your Event Dead In Its Tracks?

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men … often go awry. And in the Supply Manager’s world, they often do. And, to be frank, more often than you realize. And sometimes market reality will shift in an instant and continuing a current event could cause considerable loss, and not the significant value that was initially expected.

In this case a Sourcing or Procurement event, even if for a critical product or service needed in a short time frame, will need to be stopped in its tracks. But can you do it? Or will you continue with an auction only to see costs (significantly) increase (if there is no ceiling? Or an RFX only to get no responses at the deadline (with not enough time to try again)? Or a catalog buy for a product that shouldn’t be bought (because excess supply at a non-preferred supplier just resulted in a huge price drop the organization could safely take advantage of)?

And then, even more importantly, the right event will need to be kicked off in its place. An RFX or Auction might need to be replaced with a strategic renegotiation with an incumbent? A catalog buy might need to be replaced with a spot-buy auction to a set of acceptable suppliers with equivalent products? A simple RFX might need to be expanded to a more complex optimization-backed multi-round RFX to take advantage of new entrants shaking up the market. And so on.

But for this to happen, four critical abilities need to be in place.

  1. The ability to detect market shifts that would necessitate a significant change in Sourcing or Procurement strategy.
  2. The ability to determine the appropriate Sourcing or Strategy to shift to.
  3. The ability to quickly terminate an existing event (type).
  4. The ability to structure and launch a replacement event quickly.

1. The ability to detect market shifts.

This requires continuous, real-time, market monitoring which, to be honest, cannot be done without significant software support, and is a proper application of AI in sourcing and procurement. (But this is a subject for another post [series].)

2. The ability to determine the appropriate strategy w.r.t. the shift.

This requires both software support — to extract key details of the shift, summarize it in a meaningful way, and suggest the option(s) likely to be best — and senior buyer wisdom to make the right decision.

3. The ability to quickly terminate an event.

This requires the ability to quickly terminate an event, and do so in a way that will not result in offended suppliers and lawsuit. While not likely possible in the public sector, with proper foresight, and notification, as part of the terms and conditions a supplier must accept to participate, this can happen.

4. The ability to launch a replacement event quickly.

This requires the ability to set up new events quickly, reusing as much information as the current event as possible. This will require great software support (but not necessarily AI).

As you can see, not easy, but sometimes it literally is the difference between a multi-million dollar win, and a multi-million dollar loss.