It’s Time for the Return of Purchasing Consortiums …

… but not the kind you think! In the good ol’ days, before everyone had access to cheap and easy e-Auctions (when inflation was low, delivery guaranteed, and supply outstripped demand) or on-demand RFX sourcing platforms, the answer to better “purchasing” was consortiums that pooled demand and negotiated lower costs (hopefully lower landed costs, but […]

AI: Applied Indirection, Artificial Idiocy, & Automated Incompetence … The April Fools Joke Vendors are Playing on You Year Round!

So on the one day of the year when they should be making the joke, I’m going to reveal it. The vast majority of vendors who claim “AI”, where they want you to think “AI” stands for Artificial Intelligence, have no “AI” in that context, and many don’t even have anything close. A few may […]

Vendors They Are Complainin’

come gather ’round vendors wherever you roam and admit that the methods around you have grown and accept it as truth tech reviews set the tone if your time to you is worth savin’ then you better accept it or you’ll sink like a stone for the time’s they are a-changin’ come purchasers, sourcerors rally […]

COVID-19: You Can Get Through This!

the doctor still believes that it wouldn’t be so bad if we could all be honest, smart, logical adults but when you have players like China and the USA in the mix (especially when [a] certain Republican[s] is/are in charge), and seniors who are more stubborn than millennials, that’s just not a reality. (In the […]

Platforms in 2020

Last week we talked about analyst predictions for analytics in 2020, most of which were just statements of the obvious, wishful thinking, or some combination thereof, but there was one prediction in particular that stood out … the one that was 100% correct. In particular, the prediction that companies will continue failing analytics and AI […]