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Daily Archives: January 24, 2016
Economic Sustentation 05: Currency Conservation
As we have previously indicated, there is no salvation, at least not now. It’s only going to get hotter, and the best you can do for now is survive. But survival will be easier if you know what to do, or at least know what you might try, so, in this post, and the posts that follow in this series, we will present some of the options at your disposal, starting with currency (conservation).
So how can you protect against the currency fluctuations that can cause you significant economic damnation?
As indicated in our original damnation post, one preventative measure you can take is to determine the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of a currency to determine whether it is undervalued, and likely to rise, or overvalued, and likely to fall, and base your total cost of ownership models not on the current value against your base currency but the expected (average) value over the course of the contract.
But of course, this is not enough to predict every fluctuation in currency as some currencies rise and fall as the result of significant investment being pushed into a country (because of low wages, energy costs, etc.), being pulled out (because of new, burdensome, tax laws, etc.), or political actions that cause boycotts of goods from a certain country, or even trade embargoes. The latter situations can cause currencies to rapidly rise or fall seemingly overnight. So what can you do?
First, whenever possible, try to buy in the standard, or preferred, currency of the organization, and, in particular, the currency that most of the customers are paying in. If the organization is being paid in US dollars, then it should, whenever possible, try to buy in US dollars. This even eliminates (potentially costly) exchange fees from the picture.
Second, if this is not possible, because demand exceeds supply and the supplier has more negotiating leverage or the customers are buying in a currency that is not the preferred currency of the organization going forward, try to negotiate discounts as a result of currency strength increases against a major currency or gold. If the supplier suddenly has considerably more buying power from their dollar and their customers have considerably less, then it might be in the best interest of the supplier, especially if it is producing its goods from raw materials bought in a different market using a weaker currency, to pass on a bit of savings to its customers that might otherwise have to default on a contract or risk bankruptcy otherwise. It won’t always be possible, but if your organization is a major customer whose absence would be felt financially by the supplier, it’s worth a try.
Third, if you have to deal with multiple currencies, keep investments in multiple currencies so that trades can be made at strategic times to allow the profits in the currency trades to cover the increased costs of an unexpected rise in the currency required to pay a supplier. While the currency markets aren’t a zero sum game, generally speaking, value lost in one market always appears in another. And while SI realizes that, in the eyes of an economist this is a gross simplification, economics and trade works because, at any one time, there is a fixed amount of GDP in the world and a fixed value of a currency related to that GDP. Thus, at any point in time, value is conserved just like energy is conserved in our universe under thermodynamic laws.
There’s no silver bullet, but there’s enough lead that, if properly sprayed, will get the job done.