On the eighth day of X-Mas
my blogger gave to me:
Risk Management Posts
Sustainable Posts
e-Procurement Posts
some SRM Posts
some CLM Posts
some Best Practice Posts
some Trend Bashing Posts
and some ranting on stupidity …
Risk is everywhere. Embedded in everything.
The categories of risk are truly The Dirty Dozen.
Every organization is Playing With Fire: [with all of the] Hidden Risks Lurking in The Supply Chain!
These risks stay hidden thanks to the common practice of Siloed Supply Risk Management [which] Just Wastes Time, Money, and Resources.
It doesn’t have to this way. For instance, here are 3 Best Practices in Supply Risk Management That You Are Likely Overlooking.
These will help you understand that Supplier Risk: [is just] The Tip of the Iceberg.
Because, and it is worth repeating, Hidden Risks are Everywhere!!
And when one rears its ugly head, that’s when you find out that Turbulence [is] Not Just for Airplanes Anymore!
But while the enormity of the situation may drown you, despite what your ERP vendor will tell you, your ERP is a big risk. Here are A Few Reasons Why Your ERP is a Disaster Waiting to Happen.
When it comes to risk, could you be managing it right? Yes, and you could start with some Risk Monitoring.
After all, when you consider what a realized risk costs, It Shouldn’t Be Hard to Justify Investments in Risk Avoidance.
Come back tomorrow for the ninth day of X-Mas.